POSTPARTum RECIPES- Chicken Soup with Miso
Postpartum Recipes - Vanilla Coconut Haystacks
Vanilla Coconut Haystacks. These are a brilliant postpartum snack. Packed with protein and healthy fats. Could be made ahead for your fourth trimester.
Postpartum Recipes|Spiced Vanilla Egg Custards
A postpartum recipe. Something sweet and nourishing perfect for your fourth trimester healing. This good be a good meal train option or something you ask part of your support team to make for you after your birth. You need lots of nourishment and care in your postpartum.
I finally, after years of niggles went to see a women’s health physio to get my pelvic floor examined. Sharing my experience in case it is a helpful reminder for you to take care of yourself too.