Reflexology for Sleep

How can I get a good night’s sleep? 

When you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, either struggling to fall asleep or finding yourself waking throughout the night, it is stressful. 

Good sleep leads to increased resilience, better immune system and you are naturally drawn to healthier foods. 

Sleep is a wonderful place to start if you are trying to improve your health and wellbeing. 

Things you could try include; 

Getting exposure to daylight, the more the better. Being outside when possible and close to a window when you need to be indoors.  This will support your body to produce the right levels of the hormones serotonin and melatonin. This will help to improve the quality of your sleep.  Sleep in complete darkness (or as close to as you can) as this will also aid the production of melatonin.  

Create a relaxing bedtime routine, with simple cues for your body that it is time to unwind for the day. Multi-sensory cues work best, so scent, changing the lighting, a taste (beautiful herbal tea for example) and soft comfy textiles in the bedroom are all good. I use the essential oils camomile and lavender in the evening and have installed dimmers to make the upstairs a dark and cosy space in the evenings. You could listen to a calming meditation or Yoga Nidra. The Insight app has lots of free guided tracks you can listen to too. 

Magnesium can help to aid a good night’s sleep, you can add magnesium flakes or Epsom salts to an evening bath, buy creams and oils to apply directly to the skin. You could also look at getting more magnesium into your diet (dark leafy greens, dark chocolate, nuts, avocados, legumes, seeds, whole grains and bananas). 

Replace your phone with a notebook, write down anything that is on your mind, the things you enjoyed about the day and give your mind time to switch off from the day. Or simply swap your phone for a book. Ideally your phone (and all other devices) would be stored outside of the bedroom.

How can reflexology help me to get better quality sleep? 

Reflexology is wonderful at getting you to calm down and listen to your body. It gives you the chance to process and let go of any worries. 

The physical practice of reflexology is really grounding, helping you to focus more on the present moment, which further calms you down. It is wonderful at turning down the volume on anxious repetitive thoughts.  

Can reflexology help if I am struggling with insomnia? 

Clients have found it really helpful for insomnia with most clients noticing a marked change in their sleep after one or two sessions. 

We will also look at simple lifestyle things you could try incorporating to further support you.  

Where can I find out more about sleep?  

Matthew Walker wrote a brilliant book that covers the science behind sleep ‘Why We Sleep’. He is interviewed on the Dr Chatterjee podcast Feel Better Live More which is a great listen. 


Benefits of reflexology


Reflexology for Pregnancy