Mothering is different today…
Unlike the generations that went before us. We are experimenting with mothering without support, in an age of endless information but very limited time. We are turning to Google, Instagram and Facebook to fill a void where wise, warm, knowledgeable and caring women once stood.
Returning to work after parental leave
Practical support and guidance for planning your return to work after parental leave.
What is matrescence?
What is matresence and how do you navigate it? This blog post aims to give you support and advice as you find your feet in motherhood.
Postpartum Planning
Some ideas for what your postpartum plan might cover. This is your time to adjust to all the changes that parenting brings and to get to know your baby. It is an important time and you deserve the space to think about how it can work best for you.
POSTPARTum RECIPES- Chicken Soup with Miso
Postpartum Recipes - Vanilla Coconut Haystacks
Vanilla Coconut Haystacks. These are a brilliant postpartum snack. Packed with protein and healthy fats. Could be made ahead for your fourth trimester.
Postpartum Recipes|Spiced Vanilla Egg Custards
A postpartum recipe. Something sweet and nourishing perfect for your fourth trimester healing. This good be a good meal train option or something you ask part of your support team to make for you after your birth. You need lots of nourishment and care in your postpartum.
A ritual for the summer solstice
Ritual has been featuring more and more in my work lately. They are a way to remember and feel connected again. A way to find your centre again. Bringing you back to your body, your breath and the simple and quiet rhythms of life. A way to recognise the reality of where you are and to make sense of change.
Getting started with baby massage
A free guide to getting started with baby massage and baby reflexology.
Being ‘Enough’
Feeling like we are enough is something that gets talked about often.
So, we can assume that lots of us aren’t feeling enough. But what if we aren’t enough? What if we were never supposed to be enough. We are human. We have evolved to be part of a tribe. To have relationships. To support others and receive support ourselves.
Building connection with your birth partner: How to prepare for your journey to parenthood.
Hypnobirthing techniques - Brain, a decision making tool
Planning for your birth may require you to make some difficult choices. This hypnobirthing tool is one way to help you to navigate some of those decisions.
Holistic Birth Planning - An overview
Holistic birth planning, this blog post is about supporting you to start thinking about what you can and cannot control. So that you can place your focus on the things that you can influence to give you the best possible birth experience.
I finally, after years of niggles went to see a women’s health physio to get my pelvic floor examined. Sharing my experience in case it is a helpful reminder for you to take care of yourself too.
Sleep | How to cope when you aren’t getting enough…
Sleep, and sleep training get discussed at almost every workshop I’ve ever held (and/or attended). This blog is about some things you might wish to consider if sleep is elusive for you and your baby at the moment.
Honouring your postpartum body
Honouring your postpartum body, eating and moving intuitively. Showing yourself kindness, grace and love.
Your body has been through a lot, it needs love, kindness and compassion. This simple recipe for a warming oil is one way to honour your postpartum body and support the healing process after giving birth.
putting yourself first | how are you feeling today?
I’d love for you to feel really well. The first step is giving yourself the time and attention to notice how you are feeling. To consider what you might need that day.
Fourth Trimester Recipes | SPICED Hot Chocolate
A tasty and special spiced hot chocolate full of healthy fats for postpartum recovery.
Boundaries for Mothers
The shifts and vulnerability of early motherhood can come as a shock. The changes to your relationship to yourself and your identity were not something I’d planned for. This blog post shares some ideas for giving yourself some space and grace to explore those changes.